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ASTM.org - American Society for Testing and Materials
Astromech.net -The most comprehensive website for DIY building of R2-D2 droids.
DARPA.mil - a U.S. Department of Defense Agency used to facilitate technological research projects.
EpicX.info - a technology information sharing website
Facebook.com - an online social networking website
Indiegogo.com - a global crowdfunding platform
Instructables.com - a Do-It-Yourself project sharing website
ISO.org - The International Organization for Standardization
Kickstarter.com - a global crowdfunding platform focused on creativity
Meetup.com - an online social networking website that facilitates face to face meetings around the world
NIST.gov - the official website of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Thingiverse.com - a 3D printable projects sharinge website from MakerBot
USPTO.gov - United States Patent and Trademark Office


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